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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Ye kahan aa gaye hum...

Journey from Mumbai to Mysore was one hell of a journey.! Fortunately for me I had a bogie-full of friends travelling with me J

I still remember the time when our train started, my mom was inconsolable, I knew I would miss my family, but I was getting what I always wanted to do…Staying independent..!

Days, weeks, months passed by in exploring the place…WOW-ing all the food courts, the architecture of the campus..then came Diwali, the time by which I started getting homesick…shamelessly majorly 4 FOOD !

Went home, had a blast, but then what ? I dint want to come back…to my independent life…!! Naa Naaa…wanted to stay 4ever in the shelter of Ma-Paa…!

Dint even had d courage to tell Ma-Paa I don’t want to go back..came back to campus n started yearning even more 4 family members..n food ( pet khush toh main khush !)

This cycle continues till date…have fun, yearn 4 home, go home, have a fantabulous time there, don’t want come back, n dull period for another week, have fun..!

I always thought I was a strong gal( physically n emotionally) but both these beliefs have been severed badly after coming here..!!

I realized the value of family, friends, public transport ( ya I miss the slender, swift local trains :’( ),chat wala, vadapav ka thelawala..! So much realization in just a matter of few months ?? Waah waah..!

So why am I still here?

To try it out, staying by myself ..it was my choice afterall, n ya I know I wont get to be home , be with the relatives for much time at a stretch, but still the happiness, the satisfaction, the pride I see in my parents eyes, that beti badi ho gayi, khud ke pairo pe khadi hai..!! ( not in the context of marriage ..plzzz )

There are times I badly wanted to get out of this place to my comfort zone..Mumbai…but didn’t go back there because back home there are going to be restrictions ( “be back home by this time, no going out today…” something I always wanted to escape from ), plus, I haven’t even given the new place enough opportunity 2 prove itself, and don’t want to give my “hard earned” money for breaking the infy bond ;)

Plus the thrill of discovering ways of life, dealing with failures and bankruptcy, and cribbing about the place to everyone I talk to, keeps me going :P

Cribbing..aah what a relaxing thing to do..! Soothes and cleanses my mind for yet another day ;)


vixie said...

awwww sweetieee..
i still remember how verrryyy bad i was feeling that i wasn't able to come to see you off..:'(
after that you have indeed come a long way dear..!!
and all these months have only made me PROUD of you..!!
you have been and will always be an inspiration for me..!!
all the bestt for evrythinnn..!!

i know how much you love cribbing..!!! khi khi khi ;) ;) ;)

Maverick said...

nice read! btw, where is like button in ur blog? i need one ;)

vixie said...

@abhi..hahaha..true true..and i would say..
There should be a like button for comments
as well..:-) ;) ;) :)