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Saturday, 7 May 2011

Gareebo ki suno..

Walking across the street we come across various underprivileged people. Of course we do feel bad for them, but when it comes to giving them alms, most of us refuse..! One of the most common reason being, if they are physically fit let them find jobs and make a life..! Really?? Is it actually that way? Have you ever thought SO deeply about them or are you ACTUALLY thinking of doing good for them? Then why wouldn’t you help them find a job or a school for the young ones who are begging?
“ Oh cmon ! that’s the job of govt. or NGO. I am too busy.” Don’t we think this way?
Why is it that we are turning a blind eye towards these people? Ofcourse I don’t say that we must wait by the signal and make them understand that they can do better in their life than just begging..!
But aren’t we being irresponsible towards the society? Many beggars die daily because of hunger. I do feel if someone would have given mere 10 Rs they would have survived another few days!
I agree that by this act we may be encouraging unemployment and they may just never TRY to get some work, but it really pains to see young kids begging with THEIR young ones, when they should be in school.
India may be shining in various aspects but what about the poor getting poorer?
Having witnessed a highly malnourished guy dying outside the station, I felt terrible and ashamed of what we “RICH” are doing to help the poor. Since then, I have often given these people something to eat- a mere vadapav maybe, and trust me the smiles on their faces, the awkward and beautiful “thank you aunty” ( and surprisingly I didn’t get angry on them :P ) made my day, and took me a step closer to the Almighty’s heart !
So next time you see someone begging don’t shoo them away, don’t give them money, but atleast feed the hungry stomachs- punya milega !!!
Try karo, achha lagta hai…


vixie said...

tugged at my emotional strings with this one..
Hmm..i agree..we rarely do anything for these
people..apart from just giving it a thought
and moving on..
Somehmm..m leaving this comment abrupt..
Maybe cos i am contemplating my own actions..

Maverick said...

absa-bloody-lutely loved it! action definitely speak louder than words.

Nidhi Sarda said...

hmmm :)